Friday, February 28, 2014

Coming Now: Behind the Scenes

Calling my friend to start editing the photos. Yes! Due to his dual profession of being in the field and being a photographer, I know it would take loooooooong for him to start (not even finish) the professional editing of my photographs in the shoot we did last January. But then again, the raw photos are great enough to be published. I will be a bit rebellious and post another one today.

He may have no time to edit the photos, but he has the time to create a video of the behind the scenes footage. From make-up to poses - or at least that's the concept. We didn't have a crew to do everything for us, just me and him. Well, not a full footage of course, we still needed to do the shoot. But some head shots and eye shots (if there is a word like that) for the video. Thanks Yven for the shoot and the video. Next time, it will be better.  

Hope you enjoy. And let us know what you think about it.

ANA shoot BTS from Yven Aldover on Vimeo.

You like his work? Send me a message and I will surely hook you up with him for incredible photoshoot and BTS. He does events too. 

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